Thursday, April 30, 2009

How to Blow Bubbles

"Hi, I'm Bebo and I'm watching Bebo Tv. On today's episode I can teach you how to blow a bubble. So let's get started. So you dip it in here. And you..dip..bubbles. And you put more in it. And you put more in there. And then you blow it. There it goes! There it goes! There it goes! There's some more bubbles and there it goes. You put some more on it, you dip it and blow it. And then dip it more and there it goes! And then you put some more on it. There it goes! Thanks for watching, I'll see you again tomorrow on Bebo Tv."

Monday, April 13, 2009

How to Hunt for an Easter Egg

"Hi, I'm Bebo and I'm watching Bebo Tv. On today's episode I can teach you how to find an egg. You find an egg. So use you eyes look for an egg. Then put it in the basket. Oh, I see another one! Put another one in the basket. And then that one in the basket! And then you...thanks for watching, I'll see you again tomorrow on Bebo Tv. The End."