Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to Pick Homegrown Strawberries

Your Bebo Translation -
"Hi. I'm Bebo and I'm watching Bebo TV. On today's episode I can teach you how to check out your strawberries. So let's get started. So you need to pick them if they are very red and not if they are very green. That's very yucky. But we can eat them. There's the plant right there, see? It's right there and then I pick them, see? Oops. Wait, that's very hard. But we can eat them. if they are green and then it's very, very, very yucky. I'll see you again tomorrow on... and eat them. Yum! And then, thanks for watching, I'll see you again on...Strawberry TV. On Strawberry TV."

Yes, we immediately fixed the uprooted plant. :)


  1. aw, that's so cute! ha, ha...didn't understand a lot of what he was saying, but i was dying of laughter when he uprooted his strawberry patch. hope the plant wasn't hurt in anyway...heh.

    -david nam-

  2. "no plants were injured in the making of this movie"
    Awesome video!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Homegrown strawberries taste the best!
